At the New Frontier, we're the first in Eugene to take make shopping for GMO-free products easy and re-assuring. A couple of other stores have placed the Non-GMO Project verification badge on their shelves in a way that leaves shoppers confused as to which items are safe and wondering if things have been moved. We've created a trustworthy system by coupling the verification badge with a picture of the actual item.
Though we would prefer to just label all of the dangerous GMO items, until we all come together to re-create the wheel, this is the best system that we were able to dream up. If you'd like to learn more about the Non-GMO Project, follow this link:
Though we would prefer to just label all of the dangerous GMO items, until we all come together to re-create the wheel, this is the best system that we were able to dream up. If you'd like to learn more about the Non-GMO Project, follow this link: